Thursday, February 8, 2018

Healing Touch

Deacon Tom Writes,
A Healing Touch

It’s interesting how the same words can take on different meanings. For instance, if we walked into a room today in the middle of a conversation and heard someone say, “He touched me,” we might think of the #Me Too movement about sexual harassment or some inappropriate behavior being described. But if we turn the clock back to the day Jesus encountered the leper who asked to be made clean, a different image comes to mind. Jesus touched him and immediately he was made clean. In this case… touching brings about healing.

The simple act of touch is such a powerful gesture. It can produce either great physical and psychological trauma or it can bring about tremendous healing and comfort. Jesus, of course, brought about great comfort as he healed people throughout His ministry.

Jesus willingly touched the leper even though by that action He violated the Mosaic Law. He did so because He had pity on this poor, suffering Child of God. Jesus’ compassion for this man compels Him to place His hands upon him to show him that he was not “invisible”, that he was lovable even in his physical distress, and perhaps more importantly, that God was with Him, right by his side, suffering with him.

What a lesson this was for Jesus’ follower…. and for us! There was no boundary that Jesus would not breach to teach us about the dignity and worth that we all possess by virtue of our humanity. God’s love is unconditional and knows no limits. We are called to imitate Jesus by loving others even when they are “untouchable,” like the leper in today’s gospel. He was made much more than clean; he was given new life, all because of a simple touch. And we all desire that new life, no matter how “untouchable.”

Enjoy the day!

Deacon Tom

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