Thursday, May 24, 2018

Chosen, Blessed, and Sent

Deacon Tom Writes,
“Chosen, Blessed, and Sent”


Several words from today’s reading become a treasure trove for our further reflection throughout the day or Lexio Divina as it known. They are: chosen, blessed, and sent. In the first reading Moses does the Lord’s bidding asking the people if they have ever known of a time or a people who have ever experienced or heard the voice of God. Were they aware of any god who had taken a people to Himself or saved them from their enemies with strong hands and outstretched arms? Not likely. The people to whom Moses speaks today are the people chosen by God. God chose His people so that He could be in relationship with them and they could be in relationship with Him. The condition: the people must choose the Lord too, by keeping the statutes and commandments that He sets out to insure that the relationship between God and His people is mutually beneficial, balanced, and productive. We are God’s chosen ones!

Those chosen by God and who live by the rules He laid out are blessed. That is the message we hear in the Psalm. God’s chosen ones are blessed with the knowledge and trust in God and in His ways. While the road may not be easy and challenges many, God’s chosen ones will persevere and never face their difficulties alone.

The reading from the Letter to the Romans goes beyond our sense of being chosen and blessed to say that those who are called by God take on the remarkable status of “sons of God” who receive a spirit of adoption so as to call God, “Abba, Father”. And, there is a rich inheritance that goes along with being adopted by the Father. We are so blessed to have been chosen as Children of God who stand to inherit eternal life if we remain faithful to our calling and our blessedness.

And finally, aware that we have been chosen and blessed, how can we not be animated to share our story with others. We too have been sent to spread the good news to others so they can enjoy the abundant riches we have received from the one who has chosen, blessed, and sent us to spread the good news of God’s love, mercy, and compassion.  

Remember, we are all chosen, blessed, and sent. Have a great trip!

Enjoy the day!
Deacon Tom

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