Thursday, May 11, 2023

Sixth Sunday of Easter_Our Reason to Be Hopeful_051423

Deacon Tom Writes
“Our Reason to Be Hopeful”


Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A


Hope is such a resuscitating virtue. We cling to hope to keep our hearts beating in troubling times as if it was life preserver and we were adrift in a stormy sea. Hope is what keeps people of faith going when their world is falling apart. You see it in the faces and hear it in the voice of people who have lost loved ones to Covid these past years or from those whose homes have been destroyed by those so called “Atmospheric Rivers” that have plagued California last month or those tornados that have devastated cities throughout the south. Grieved as they are, they inevitably talk about rebuilding not just their homes but also their lives. Hope is what gives them the courage to face a new day.

Hope fuels our dreams also. We hope to get into the college of our choice; we hope to get that perfect job or that promotion. We hope that one day we will meet the love of our life; we hope that a bad situation will be favorably resolved. We hope others will change their ways, their attitudes… or better yet, that we will change ours! No matter what we hope for, we are not likely to give up hope without a fight.

In today’s scripture, Peter advises us, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” Peter wants us to pay close attention to those things in which we place our hope…. and to be able to tell others why we hope in them. Key to Peter’s advice, however, is that the focal point for Christian hope is Christ. He is the fulfillment of all our hopes. Peter wants us to put our hope in noble things, “...treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.” (Mt 6:20)

Yes, we hope for that new job, good things for our children, a good resolution to an illness or bad relationship…but our Christian hope seeks the ultimate goodness that comes from having Christ…. “as Lord in our hearts” (1 Pt 3:15) as Peter says so well. With Christ as Lord of our hearts, our hope will turn to treasures, relationships, and loves that will last forever and provide us ample opportunity to share the reason for our hope with everyone.

Lastly, Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers who are shining examples of self-sacrifice, love and humility to their families and friends. God Bless them with much joy and happiness

Enjoy the day!
Deacon Tom

Please Visit and listen in as the three deacs engage in a contemporary conversation exploring the treasures our Catholic faith has to offer.




Recommended Reading: Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom of Sourozh was a prominent writer and broadcaster on prayer and the Christian life, as well as the founder and leader of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Sourozh. His classic book on prayer leads us into a deeper experience of the one we seek.


Recommended YouTube Video: Beginning to Pray - Listen in to hear the wisdom of Bishop Bloom as he guides us on how to have a richer prayer life that draws us closer to God.


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