Thursday, August 31, 2017

La Dolce Vita

Deacon Tom Writes
“La Dolce Vita….”

Today’s gospel makes it crystal clear that Jesus was aware of the fate that awaited Him in Jerusalem at the hands of the “Elders, chief priests and the scribes”. There is no turning back, as Peter learns the hard way.

As we enjoy the warmth and brightness of the full summer sun, scripture invites us to pause for a moment of reflection, oh, so hard to do with all that needs our attention, and consider what Jesus is doing. He has made the decision to continue to spread the message of God’s unconditional love for all His children even though He knows it will cost Him His very life. The very thought of that is grossly disturbing as Peter’s actions attest. One would think today’s lesson would be better contained in the great seasons of Easter or Christmas, but no, we encounter it now, at the end of August, with no shopping to do, no cakes to decorate or cards to send, and we are free to relax beneath the bright summer sun and wonder just what difference, if any, God’s love for us has made in our lives.

One way to reflect on the difference God has made in our lives is “via negativa”, that is, by imagining what our lives would be like if God was excluded from them. For instance, we might find that if God wasn’t in our lives we would have more money to spend since we wouldn’t need to fund a parish community or donate to the poor and needy or respond generously to those who are suffering from Hurricane Harvey. Yes, we might still contribute to worthy causes occasionally, but it would be based on how we felt at the time; it wouldn’t flow from our spiritual awareness of being, “one in Christ”. We certainly would have more time on our hands also because we would be freed up from attending Mass every Sunday and running the kids back and forth to religious ed. and all those service hours they have to do. Another big change we would notice is that we wouldn’t have anything to feel guilty about… how could we tell right from wrong… only by man-mad laws? It seems there are plenty of laws presently that escape our conscience. We wouldn’t have that psychological obstacle to deal with for there would be no sin; no guilt, only…La dolce vita! 

Imagine a world without God! It would be a scary place…for left to ourselves I just can’t imagine what our world would look like…. so I welcome the chance to use this passage from scripture to help me call to mind God’s abundant love. With that thought in mind how can today be anything other than the good life, “La dolce vita”, for those who believe and trust in the Lord. And yet, as blessed as we are, the good news is the best is yet to come!

Please pray for all those who have lost their homes and possessions in the wake of Hurricane Harvey and if possible support Catholic Relief Services and the other agencies working so diligently to respond.

Enjoy this Labor Day weekend!

Deacon Tom

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Lead, Follow or Get Out of The Way!

Deacon Tom Writes,
“Lead… Follow… or Get out of the way‼!”

We lose track of the fact that God has a plan for us and that plan will not be compromised. In today’s first reading, Isaiah recounts what happened to Shebna, the Master of the Palace. He was “thrust… from his office” for disgracing his master’s house. Eliakim, a faithful steward, was given his authority and the privilege that went along with it. God alone is the source of “wisdom and knowledge” says St. Paul and everything is ordered according to His ways: “everything is from Him and through Him and for Him.” Shebna apparently didn’t figure this out. By acting as if he was in control, he brought shame and disgrace upon him and his family.

It is noteworthy to reflect on how Christ approached this reality that everything is from, through and for God. If everything is, in fact, ordered in this way, than we can get a better understanding of why Jesus embraced the role of “servant”. He understood that His purpose was to serve God alone, for whom all things were made. What a profound love Jesus had for the Father, to offer His life in complete and willing service to Him and to teach us to do the same.

In our world where nearly everyone wants to be in charge, call the shots, be the big enchilada, what does scripture tell us? “Get out of the way‼!”  We are in a constant struggle with our own flawed desires: to be in control, to have things our way, to have others behave the way we want them to. Scripture gives us the “statutes” we must embrace so that we can put our egos in check and learn the humble road of service to the people that Jesus would have us b: loving, forgiving, virtuous. We need to act as if Jesus were walking here among us today (which, by the way, He is). It is faithful, loving service on that order that changed the world for the better and made others remark, “See how they love one another”.

We live in a time when an epidemic of faithful service is needed to stem the horrific evil that is touching so many lives in our world. Now is the time for all who call themselves “Christian” to “lead….follow….or get out of the way”.

Enjoy the day!
Deacon Tom

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What Would Jesus Do?

Deacon Tom Writes,
What Would Jesus Do?”

“Observe what is right, do what is just”. Sounds sooooo simple, doesn’t it? But some how, as we speed down the highway of life, there are times when knowing the “right” thing to do, or knowing the “just” thing to do is not easy. Some people use the acronym “WWJD” to help them guide them in making a tough decision. You may have seen their formula for success written on a bumper sticker or two as you drove along the highway. Do you recognize these letters: WWJD? They stand for this message “What Would Jesus Do?

Jesus is always teaching the disciples how to live and act in ways that are pleasing to God. Today we encounter Jesus teaching us about breaking down barriers that separate and divide us from one another, barriers that stand in the way of our becoming one with each other as we are called to do at our Eucharistic Banquet.

In today’s gospel Jesus and the disciples encountered a woman whose daughter was tormented by a demon. The disciples can’t be bothered with her and they advise Jesus to “Send her away”. Pretty harsh response from the Apostles, isn’t it? But what else could they possibly do with her? Isn’t that how we deal with the difficult people in our lives; those individuals who we wish would just “go away”; those people who are always making demands on us or “who keep calling out to us” for something?

Fortunately Jesus has a better grasp on what’s the right thing to do.  He listens to the Canaanite woman and sees what strong faith she has. He is moved by this faith and the woman who possessed it and He grants her favor. Her faith and the very presence of Jesus in this woman’s life, even for this brief moment, was life altering for her and for her daughter who was healed.

Jesus told us that we would be able to do greater things then He did if we have a little faith. It shouldn’t surprise us then of the remarkable power our presence has in the life of others. This is because God abides in each and every one of us. We have His power to reconcile ourselves with one another; we have the power to cast away loneliness and fear, the power to bring the presence of Christ everywhere we go, even to those who “keep calling out to us” and who refuse to “go away”. We have the power to do many of the things Jesus has done. All we need to get started is to ask ourselves in any given situation, “What Would Jesus Do?”.

Enjoy the Day!

Deacon Tom

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Language of God

Deacon Tom Writes
The Language of God

Elijah is awestruck to realize that God presented Himself in the “tiny whispering sound”. For upon hearing this sound Elijah “hid his face in his cloak.” Perhaps this is why so many of us struggle with our spirituality today. It is so difficult for us to find quiet space and idle time in our busy lives. We have so much coming at us throughout our waking hours. We feel “bombarded”. Technology has delivered so many devices to entertain us 24/7. There is no “free” time; there is no shortage of things to do. More than ever before, we have to make a conscious decision to seek out a quite place and set yourself apart from the rapid pace of life. I don’t see any other way of being able to hear that “tiny whispering sound” through which God reaches out to us so He can be a part of our lives.

In his autobiography Seven Story Mountain, Thomas Merton tells how he was able to find true freedom not in the world but rather within the confines of the four walls of a monastic cell. It was there in the silence of the Trappist Monastery that He experienced the “tiny whispering sound” that enabled him to find himself and to find God.

Now we all aren’t as fortunate as Thomas Merton and head off to the solitude of a Cistercian Monastery. But we can learn from his experience. Somehow, someway, we need to find a quiet place and carve out some quite time in our lives so that we can hear the “tiny whispering sound” of God piercing through to make His presence known to us. For it is only in this silence, this strange language of God, that we are able to hear His voice. 

God bless and keep you always!

Deacon Tom

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Close Encounter Of The Best Kind

Deacon Tom Writes,
“Close Encounters Of The Best Kind”

Today’s readings describe “close encounters” of the best kind...unimaginable encounters that take place between God and man. The first one is the story of Daniel and his vision of heaven in which he sees the Ancient One upon His throne...with flames of fire...and wheels of burning fire... Daniel sees thousands upon thousands ministering to this mysterious figure as the court was convened and the books were opened. Daniel foretells the day of The Lord, the day of judgment. He foretells a time when this Ancient One will appear coming on the clouds of heaven to receive dominion, glory, and kingship presumably from those who have anticipated His coming. Daniel encounters the Living God in all His glory during this vision and shares it with us so that we may contemplate the fullness of God’s Glory and place ourselves in the service of the Ancient One.

The second “close encounter” between God and man takes place during the event we know as the “Transfiguration”, when Jesus is revealed in His glory to the amazement of Peter, James, and John.

Throughout the course of Sacred Scripture God breaches the gap between His dwelling place and our earthly abode. We see God making His presence known to Moses in the form of the “Burning Bush” and again in the “Pillar of Fire” as God leads the Israelites through their ordeal of crossing the desert. When Jesus was being baptized in the Jordan, a voice from heaven was heard to say, “This is my beloved Son”. And, of course, we know that in the Person of Jesus, God took up a physical presence in our world to teach us that above everything else, God loves us and cares for us and that God’s greatest desire is for us to love Him in return.

As we continue on our spiritual journey we do well to focus on deepening our relationship with God. Are we doing our part to be mindful of God presence during the day, arranging some quiet time for our own “close encounter” with God and by making ourselves present to Him? That’s really all He asks of us, for us to be present to Him so that He can be present to us; so He can reveal Himself to us as the God who loves, who forgives, who shares our pains and sorrows, and who longs to fill us with His peace, joy, and His love. May we all experience a “close encounter” with our Lord and may that encounter be the beginning of a deeper and liberating experience.

Enjoy the day!

 Deacon Tom