Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What Would Jesus Do?

Deacon Tom Writes,
What Would Jesus Do?”

“Observe what is right, do what is just”. Sounds sooooo simple, doesn’t it? But some how, as we speed down the highway of life, there are times when knowing the “right” thing to do, or knowing the “just” thing to do is not easy. Some people use the acronym “WWJD” to help them guide them in making a tough decision. You may have seen their formula for success written on a bumper sticker or two as you drove along the highway. Do you recognize these letters: WWJD? They stand for this message “What Would Jesus Do?

Jesus is always teaching the disciples how to live and act in ways that are pleasing to God. Today we encounter Jesus teaching us about breaking down barriers that separate and divide us from one another, barriers that stand in the way of our becoming one with each other as we are called to do at our Eucharistic Banquet.

In today’s gospel Jesus and the disciples encountered a woman whose daughter was tormented by a demon. The disciples can’t be bothered with her and they advise Jesus to “Send her away”. Pretty harsh response from the Apostles, isn’t it? But what else could they possibly do with her? Isn’t that how we deal with the difficult people in our lives; those individuals who we wish would just “go away”; those people who are always making demands on us or “who keep calling out to us” for something?

Fortunately Jesus has a better grasp on what’s the right thing to do.  He listens to the Canaanite woman and sees what strong faith she has. He is moved by this faith and the woman who possessed it and He grants her favor. Her faith and the very presence of Jesus in this woman’s life, even for this brief moment, was life altering for her and for her daughter who was healed.

Jesus told us that we would be able to do greater things then He did if we have a little faith. It shouldn’t surprise us then of the remarkable power our presence has in the life of others. This is because God abides in each and every one of us. We have His power to reconcile ourselves with one another; we have the power to cast away loneliness and fear, the power to bring the presence of Christ everywhere we go, even to those who “keep calling out to us” and who refuse to “go away”. We have the power to do many of the things Jesus has done. All we need to get started is to ask ourselves in any given situation, “What Would Jesus Do?”.

Enjoy the Day!

Deacon Tom

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