Thursday, January 4, 2018

Hearts That Throb And Overflow

Deacon Tom Writes,
“Hearts That Throb And Overflow

Isaiah gives us a vision of the future to inform us what God has in store for us. The only way he can describe it is to describe our reaction to the things God is planning. This is how he sums it up, he says that our “hearts will throb and overflow…at what we see”.

We have just celebrated Christmas, the birth of Christ, our Savior. The most ancient of prophecies has been fulfilled, and we have joined in the festivities. The good news has gone out to all the earth, into every nook and cranny, carried in the hearts and minds of believers throughout the ages. Christ came to restore what was lost – our union with the divine. As our celebrations wind down, we can ask ourselves these few questions. Are our hearts throbbing? Are we overflowing with joy, peace, and a clam inner spirit? Are we rejoicing because “the glory of the Lord” is shining in us? That’s what we celebrate today, God’ faithfulness to His promises of old, by repairing the breach that separated creatures from the creator, the human from the divine. What a cause for celebration!

The spirit of Epiphany is one of an awakening to all that surrounds us. Epiphany happens each and every day we chose to surrender ourselves to God and let Him guide our way, our thoughts, and our actions. This is what gets our hearts into a constant state of throbbing and keeps them that way. Yes, a new house... exciting for a while; a new car… fun, until the first dinger; the beach house…that will get the blood flowing during the summer. But where can we find the one thing that will fill all of our hearts desires and keep it throbbing? In the most unlikely place possible… in the very quiet within each of us; that place where God most high has chosen to dwell within us.

May the spirit of Christ dwelling within us cause our hearts to throb and overflow as we begin this New Year. And may the love within us reach out to others giving them comfort, hope, and joy so that their hearts may throb and overflow with the love of the Christ child.

Enjoy the day!

Deacon Tom

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